Integrated Management System

QUALCO recognises that international standards certifications allow the delivery of services and products that address client requirements while meeting the applicable regulatory and statutory requirements. The Certified Management Systems aim to strengthen the trust of clients and external stakeholders, reduce costs and create opportunities in new markets.

The company activities included in the scope of international standards certifications are:

  1. Design (including analysis), development (including checks), installation (including commissioning) and support (including helpdesk) for IT software, IT applications (including web applications).
  2. Study, design, development (including checks), installation (including commissioning), support (including helpdesk), operation (pilot, test and production operation) and maintenance of integrated information systems.
  3. Provision of IT Services.
  4. IT Project Management.
  5. Trade of IT and telecommunication equipment and application.
  6. Provision of consulting and receivables portfolio management services.
  7. Portfolio valuation services and funding consulting services.
  8. Provision of user education services in the above areas.
  • ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management Systems

    ISO 9001:2015, the internationally recognized standard for Quality Management, provides systematic control of the company's operational activities, to ensure that clients’ requirements and expectations are being met.

    Certification Registration Number: 20001210005700



  • ISO 27001:2022 - Information security, cybersecurity, and privacy protection

    At QUALCO, we are constantly striving to improve our information security practices by regularly reviewing and updating our policies, procedures and control points to stay ahead of emerging threats. Our ISO 27001:2022 certification is a testament to our dedication to information security and our ongoing commitment to provide stakeholders with maximum protection and confidence in our services.

    Certification Registration Number: 20201210005706



  • ISO 27701:2019- Security techniques — Extension to ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002 for privacy information management

    Regarding collecting and using personal information, the company’s approach is based on openness and transparency. We are committed to protecting the rights of individuals whose data is collected and processed by our business units and affiliated companies. The Company is certified under ISO 27701:2019 Privacy Information Management Systems. Privacy policies apply to all employees, third parties, alliances, and joint ventures, across all jurisdictions.

    Concerning personal data, the Group seeks to ensure that the data are:

    Processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently regarding the data subject
    Collected for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes and not further processed in an incompatible manner with those purposes
    Adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary, considering the purposes for which they are Processed
    Accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date
    Kept in a form that permits identification of data subjects for no longer than necessary
    Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction, or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures

    Certification Registration Number: 20211220007438



  • ISO 20000-1:2018 - Information technology - Service Management Systems

    In the context of ICT Services management, the Company proceeded with the certification of the ISO 20000-1:2018 IT Service Management System. In particular, it provides a systematic and integrated process system for efficient planning, migration, provision and optimization of services, providing added value to its clients.

    Certification Registration Number: 2000021005707



  • ISO 22301:2019 - Security and Resilience – Business Continuity Management Systems

    The company has developed a comprehensive Business Continuity Management System, as per ISO 22301:2019 requirements, aiming to minimise the impact of external and internal adverse events to its employees, client services, business operations, and stakeholders.

    Certification Registration Number: 20000210005708



  • IMS 37001:2016 - Anti-bribery Management Systems

    An anti-corruption system has been developed, implemented, maintained and continuously improved throughout the company's organizational structure, as well as in relations with third parties. The identification and management of risks, the training and information of the staff and the commitment of the Management are the basic principles of the certified System according to ISO 37001:2016.

    The Company’s policy for Anti-corruption, Anti-bribery and Compliance that meets the requirements of ISO 37001:2016 and ISO 37301:2021 standards is focused on the following principles:

    Prevention of Bribery and Corruption
    Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Requirement/Obligations
    Enhancement and promotion of culture related to ethics and integrity
    Involvement of Interested parties
    Continual improvement
    Communication and Training
    Publicly demonstrating and delivering our current commitment by clearly communicating and sharing policies, procedures, guidelines, forms related to Compliance and Anti-Bribery issues
    Systematic analysis of customers satisfaction data
    Suppliers’ evaluation with anti-bribery criteria
    Threats and opportunities identification related to the company’s operational framework

    Any incidents regarding violations of company Policies, Procedures or applicable laws (e.g. fraud, corruption, theft, embezzlement, non-compliance with the QUALCO Code of Conduct, issues relating to human rights and in general, any act or omission which could harm the Company or its reputation) may be reported by using the communication channels mentioned below:

    Whistleblowing Platform

    Anti-Bribery Guidelines

    Certification Registration Number 20024220007751



  • ISO 37301:2021 - Compliance management systems

    The Company, through its ISO 37301 Compliance Management System aims to assess the design and operation of ethics and compliance programs. demonstrates that leadership appreciates that compliance needs continuous attention and improvement, as well as provides a benchmark for the compliance program against an international standards.


    Certification Registration Number 20025230009779



  • ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental Management Systems

    The Environmental Management System covers all of the company’s activities, with programs and initiatives related to waste minimization, climate change mitigation, and continuous environmental awareness. Reducing the impact of the company's activities on the environment is a key commitment of the company and is achieved through the use of sustainable practices and continuous improvement of its processes.


    In order to reduce the environmental impact of its operations and promote environmental sustainability, the company:

    Conducts operations in compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
    Sets clear targets of environmental impact reduction and energy saving.
    Assesses the environmental impact of its activities and defines strategies and initiatives to achieve the targets set.
    Provides all necessary resources for the minimization of the environmental impact.
    Manages efficiently the company’s solid waste, focusing on waste segregation and recycling.
    Manages efficiently resources to maximize energy saving by implementing a system for monitoring the consumption of resources, focusing on energy performance improvement.
    Manages and evaluates the energy performance, based on appropriate indicators and objectives.
    Takes actions to raise awareness among its people and provide them with the necessary knowledge, resources and tools to implement all environmental and energy saving programs.
    Is committed to continuous improvement of the environmental and energy management system with a view to enhancing environmental performance.
    Defines, in line with relative procedures, work instructions and/or policies, employees’, suppliers’, contractors’ and visitors’ responsibilities for environmental issues.
    Ensures resources to implement necessary and timely, recycling and waste management processes enhancement and adopts best practices, which improve environmental performance.
    Investigates and escalates timely, in line with relative procedures, any incident, related with environmental performance.
    Anticipates that all suppliers, contractors, and partners place equally high priority on environmental issues in their operations.
    Supports the procurement of energy efficient products and services that impact energy performance.
    Collects and reports environmental and energy saving issues in the framework of ESG project.
    Adheres to a robust risk based approach in the areas of environmental performance in line with Company’s integrated management systems ( ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301, ISO 20001) and taking into consideration incidents or findings of internal audit reviews to introduce effective remediation actions.


    Certification Registration Number:20051220006616



  • ISO 50001:2018 - Energy Management Systems

    The company is committed to efficient energy management by continuously improving its energy performance and by adopting best practices for energy resources saving. The company invests in energy efficient facilities and projects. The ISO 50001:2018 reflects this

    The company's Energy Management System certification according to ISO 50001 standard, reflects its commitment for efficient energy management.

    Certification Registration Number: 20000220008055



  • ISO 45001:2018 - Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems

    The company is committed to protecting the health and safety of its employees, business partners and other third parties, through actions and benefits in addition to the requirements of the law, with continuous training and information as well as management of all occupational risks and the assessment of accidents or near incidents.

    The Company’s policy on Health and Safety Management is focused on the following principles: 


    Provision of all the necessary resources for the protection of the health of employees and third parties 
    Set-up, maintenance, and monitoring of a safe, comfortable working environment, aligned with requirements and best practices related to health, safety, and ergonomics, considering the nature, scale and particularities of company activities 
    Full compliance to all relevant and applicable Greek and European legislative, normative, contractual, and other requirements, as well as standards, guidelines, and best practices 
    Consultation, participation, and involvement of employees in the decision-making process in the OH&S management system 
    Continuous training of the employees and the third parties on issues related to occupational health and safety  
    Continuous measurement and evaluation of its health & safety performance, based on appropriate indicators and objectives. 
    Continual improvement of the OH&S management system to enhance the organization’s OH&S performance 
    Detailed and regularly updated risk assessment, to identify and eliminate, or effectively minimize any risks and hazards related to the working environment and the nature of company activities, using the hierarchy of controls. 
    Prevention of work-related incidents, injuries or accidents and illnesses/diseases


    Certification Registration Number: 2015222007759