Making an impact for a better world 


creating value

Our ESG Strategy

In today's dynamic business landscape, integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations has become critical for companies across all sectors. As an innovative tech company, we are at the forefront of transformational advancements, shaping industries and influencing societal behaviors. In that context, we have built a robust ESG strategy that aligns seamlessly with our core values of innovation, ethical responsibility, and long-term sustainability goals, focusing on: 

Technology, Product Innovation, Ethical AI & Analytics

Financial Performance & Competitiveness

Corporate Governance, Business Ethics & Risk

Climate Resilience & Environmental Sustainability

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

Employee Health, Safety & Wellbeing

Social Cohesion & Financial Inclusion

Community Support & Development


ESG in Action

We're part of a worldwide effort to build a better and more responsible society. That's why we've put together a Sustainability Report whose primary goal is to show our stakeholders how we progress across the board. Still, even more importantly, it's a way for us to promise that we'll keep making positive changes that bring real value. 

Our report follows rules that are known all around the world. These are the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards from 2020 and the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These guidelines help us ensure that our report is clear and meaningful to everyone who reads it.

  • Society

    We exist to build innovative technology solutions for the better. In 2021, we started the Qualco Foundation, a non-profit initiative that creates positive change in various spaces by implementing programmes with trusted community partners, ensuring maximum social return.

    QF Long Logo W-2


  • People

    Our people are our biggest asset, and their well-being is our top priority. That's why we've set up a thorough plan to ensure they're doing well. We've made a friendly work environment encouraging everyone to make healthy choices and feel included.

  • Environment

    Although we operate in an industry with a relatively low environmental impact, optimising our energy usage, reducing emissions, and managing waste effectively is a priority. At the same time, we raise employee awareness of environmental responsibility through multiple actions and channels.

  • Governance

    To ensure the long-term sustainability of our business, we construct our Corporate Governance principles upon a foundation of unwavering integrity, absolute transparency, and a commitment to openness. Our framework is rooted in compliance with the existing legal and regulatory standards, ensuring our operations are responsible and accountable.


Sustainability Reports

Discover the transformative journey of QUALCO and Qualco Group through our latest ESG reports, now available for download. By accessing our ESG reports, you'll gain valuable insights into the initiatives that shape our responsible business practices and how we leverage technology to contribute meaningfully to a better world.